We have witnessed a sea change in the way we communicate with people and the world. The interface has changed changing, the technology has changed changing, and so is the way we learn.

Performance Advantage Group takes pride in presenting to you its proprietary training product – POWERTAINMENTTM Powerful learnings with entertainment!

Most people operate at a fraction of their potential! Ask yourself, are your team members performing up to their full capacity? If not, there are tools, skills and motivational techniques that you can bring to them to perform at even higher levels and POWERTAINMENTTM is one of the most effective tools to achieve this.

If you are looking for ideas, tools, skills and a top speaker to deliver them, you have landed in the right place. Whether you are a sales manager trying to boost your team’s performance or a business owner looking to motivate your entire staff or perhaps a corporate executive looking for new ideas to bring to your team. POWERTAINMENTTM makes it very easy, powerful and entertaining to bring the very best to your team and to your organization.

POWERTAINMENTTM is high quality ideas you can use to expand your business, increase your sales and enhance your people’s performance and attitude in an entertaining, fast moving and enjoyable way.

POWERTAINMENTTM is fully customizable as per the themes you might want to drive in your organization. Some of the sample theme topics are:

The Law of Attraction
Design your perfect life…
Peak Performance Principles
Uncover your hidden potential…
The Winning Edge
Astound yourself…
Create Customers for Life
Outsmart your competition…
Goal Setting Techniques
Success blue print for your life…
Strategic Achievement
Sales, marketing and leadership tactics…
The Power of Vision
Live the life of your dreams…
The Will to Win
Winners think differently than losers…

To summarize, participants walkout of the POWERTAINMENTTM motivated, inspired and confident to move to the next level in their professional and personal lives.


Client Testimonials

This was the sixth time that we used POWERTAINMENTTM for our team building events. It moves people out of their seats, gets them moving, swinging and sweating and at the same time delivering powerful message – we love It!

He’s got that ‘experiential factor’, you don’t meet him, you encounter him. He is funny, very engaging, it’s easy to listen to him, he is genuine and that leaves an impact.

It was energetic, impactful, professional, well prepared and practical…
Lived up to the promise…
More power to you…

High on energy, Up on fun and deep on value that’s how the session can be described. He is funny, down to earth, and his lessons come from the heart so you know its genuine.

Engaging, uncomplicated and valuable! Delivered with high energy, huge conviction and lot of humor!

Very polished, very professional, extremely well prepared, it was very practical. Truly lived up to the promise, very powerful and very entertaining!

‘Raising the Bar’ that was the first POWERTAINMENTTM theme we used for our entire team, POWERTAINMENTTM really gets you pumped up. Its high energy, full of motivation and in a business like ours we need it on a regular basis.

He is an amazing facilitator, a great coach who can transform people to realize and harness their potential, and a great human being who is such a pleasure to be with.